Monday, September 17, 2007

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

The Mole

Early April when mami brought you and Reeve to Kuching, i noticed that you had a small brown spot on the tip of your right philtrum (midline of the upper lip). I thought it was just a light brown spot and there is no reason to blog about it. I told babee about your spot and he kissed it and say "my pretty daughter". I told AMD and she say its a "hau po mak" (vain mole) and when i told yaya he said its a "sek mak" (gourmet mole). Its has been an excitement for them for the past few months, for each friend they meet, it is a topic of discussion together with your proficiency in Mandarin. They would make you sing all night long in Mandarin and praise your singing and somehow the topic of the beautiful mole will surface as well.

Late last night, you were coughing so badly, so i decided to watch you sleep and force some warm water down your throat to soothe you. as i was feeding you the warm water, i noticed that the brown spot has grown darker and now i am pretty sure that it is a Mole and no longer a "brown spot". Today mami check the internet to get a confirmation that Child Face Moles do appear after a few years and not only during child birth. I have to monitor if it gets darker or grow bigger, if so, then it could be dangerous.

You have been swearing everyday to the 2 kakaks, your sister and MM. After mami came back from work and pinched your lips the other day and warned you not to say "fucker", "shitman" and "stupid" nodded and apologised to all of them at home. But not for long, you are now speaking in your own language and i personally find it quite hilarious that your mind is coping fast..

Fucker - "Pucker"

Shitman - "Chitman"

Stupid - "Stups"

Ah Ku say that i cannot scold you now as its a different word and it sounds entirely different. Then when i start scolding you again, you would answer "i didnt say that word also...i said "pucker" ma..dont' always scold me la mami..